Why Dried Fruit?

Gluten free

Gluten sensitivity means that the digestive system reacts with an allergic reaction to foods containing gluten. The type of protein found in foods such as wheat, barley and rye causes celiac disease in some people, while it causes gluten sensitivity in others.

However, you can add gluten-free dried fruits to your meals by mixing them with gluten-free grains and plant seeds.

Fun and healthy snack for meals

For our health, we should consume at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits a day. At least 160 g (two portions) of these should be vegetables and 240 g (three portions) should be fruit. It can sometimes be difficult to achieve this in daily life and busy work schedule. To make fruit consumption easier and more fun, dried fruits will help you meet this need. Dried fruits, which always find a place in diet lists with their high fiber, vitamins and minerals, will be an indispensable part of your meals because they are both additive-free and natural. Being able to easily carry it with you and consume it at any time of the day will provide you with great comfort.


  •     Ease of storage                                            
  •     Practical transport and storage                                            
  •     Provides presentation diversity                                            
  •     Nutritional values can be increased by mixing                                            
  •     Resistance to degradation                                            
  •     Nutritional content without added sugar                                            
  •     Rich antioxidants                                            
  •     The vitamins and minerals it contains strengthen the immune system                                            
  •     Helps improve appetite control            

Son Eklenenler

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